Goal Multiplicator (mG)= is a new metric implemented by Brandsen Sports with the aim to detect the added value brought by the player when scoring a goal. This formula refers to an economic-theory concept applied to football through statistical analysis. It considers all factors that influence the scoring action: Expected goal (XG), Expected goal on target (XGot), Expected Threat (XT), Goal Importance, Time, Team importance, Ball carries.
Ex. Maradona's goal of the century against England, considering all statistical factors, has a mG of 5,1. It means that the value added brought by Maradona is an insane 4,1!! (5,1-1)
Radar chart is an innovative way to compare players using a statistical method based on percentile calculation.
In the image at right you can see an example of Radar chart.
The vertices of the figure below represent all players'skills, in general you can see: PASS (passing skills), CRS (crossing skills), CNTR (ball control skills), DEF (defensive skills), HEAD (headig skills), SHOT (shooting skills), MIND (mentality skills), CHR (character skills), VIS (vision skills), MOV (movements skills), POS (positioning skills), BODY (physical skills) and ATHL (athletic skills).
The pink area above represents the skills area of a player.
For example, this player is really good in HEAD (0,966) and PASS (0,933) and he's the best in BODY abilities (1). He's the best in BODY ablities because his percentile is 1 (=100 percentile) and it means that he has 100% of player (so all players of our database) "below him" regarding the body abilities; "below him" means that all other players have obtained less body abilities points respect to this player in all analyzed matches.
Percentiles are calculated considering our huge database of players.